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New factors for the advancement equation in the H2V Industry


María Isabel Muñoz Antonin

General Manager H2V Magallanes

Developing a new industry is complex. Complexity usually arises from a vast network of variables and conditioning factors that are interrelated and integrated as part of a system, distributing energies, tasks, assurances and processes with a clear goal: to achieve objectives and a new desired state. Therefore, managing complexity is not an easy task, it is rather a challenge and in the best of cases a conquest. Aware that there is a political will and determination to promote the emerging industry of Green Hydrogen production and its derivatives, to this complexity equation are added the factor of coordination and simultaneity.

The signing of the Public-Private Collaboration Agreement last December 15, was not only an act, but also proposes a series of challenges and activities to achieve the goal of agreeing on a work plan for the development of the Green Hydrogen industry in the Magallanes Region that contributes to the sustainable development policy through investments with high social and environmental standards. The commitment signed obliges us to act quickly this 2024, refining the coordination to focus on priority issues and enabling conditions. For this reason, last February 22, the board of H2V Magallanes was summoned to a Strategic Roundtable headed by our Regional Governor of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica, Jorge Flies, together with sectoral ministers and representatives of the ministries of Economy, Development and Tourism; Energy; Education; Labor and Social Welfare; Public Works; and Transport and Telecommunications, to work together on a roadmap and action plan, which begins by defining the governance and work methodology that will allow the State and project developers to follow up on each of these commitments and areas of work.

As it happens in any intricate system of actions, decisions and coordination, the efforts and wills for the preparation, investment and due public-private planning must materialize in simultaneous advances, because equally important as the 5 axes of the now called "Magallanes Pact", such as human capacities, productive chains, technological innovation, shared infrastructure and harmonious regional development, will be the timely allocation of resources and public investment, with efficiency and capacity of adaptation so that our country does not lose competitiveness. From this conviction and in a constructive manner, we emphasized in the last meeting before the authorities present there, the convenience of ensuring that other non-signatory actors, such as the Ministry of Defense (maritime concessions) and the Council of National Monuments, are also integrated in this great inter-ministerial round table, in order to integrate them in the construction of a shared high-level vision.

H2V Magallanes also stressed the urgent need to make progress on permitting and for the various technical and governmental counterparts to understand the scales and complexities of each project in order to better understand the industry.

And although we are moving at a slow pace, we value the constitution of this Strategic Roundtable as an indicator that we are moving in the right direction, continuing a State policy from a long-term vision. In this unprecedented effort, frank dialogue and close public-private coordination from an early stage will undoubtedly be decisive for the implementation of the industry in Magallanes, allowing us to identify critical areas and requirements for the development of H2V projects, such as efficiencies in environmental and sectoral permit processes (reasonable deadlines), shared infrastructure (enabling ports and road network), among others.

Understanding and taking charge of this virtuous complexity that is presented to us, being at stake a purpose of common interest, and doing it from a public-private and interministerial perspective, is something remarkable. It allows us to move towards sustainable development and reverse the difficulty of "ALL at once" to create value with high standards, respecting our institutional framework and expanding the productive matrix of our Region and the country.


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