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Magallanes Pact: H2V Magallanes and Chilean Government advance in the implementation of the H2V industry


In order to advance in the coordination and work plan of the public-private protocol signed last December, the board of H2V Magallanes met on February 22 with a strategic table headed by the Regional Governor of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica, Jorge Flies, together with sectoral ministers and representatives of the ministries of Economy, Development and Tourism, Energy, Education, Labor and Social Security, Public Works, and Transport and Telecommunications; Energy; Education; Labor and Social Security; Public Works; and Transport and Telecommunications, to work together on a road map and action plan focusing on governance and work methodology for this incipient industry.

During the meeting, not only planning aspects were addressed to advance in the 5 axes of the present agreement, such as: human capacities, productive linkages, technological innovation, shared infrastructure and harmonious regional development. The representatives of H2V Magallanes also emphasized the urgent need to advance in the matter of permits and that the different technical and governmental counterparts know the real scope and complexities of each project, in order to be able to understand the industry.

María Isabel Muñoz, General Manager of the H2V Magallanes Association, highlighted the importance of this instance, stating that "this strategic work table facilitates public-private coordination from an early stage in the implementation of the H2V industry in Magallanes, which is essential to address the opportunities and challenges inherent to the development of H2V projects in Chile, such as environmental and sectoral permits within reasonable deadlines, shared infrastructure, human capital, among others. Understanding these challenges, from a public-private perspective, is a crucial task that we must address jointly to move towards sustainable development for both the Magallanes Region and the country.

Support for these initiatives was expressed by both the Regional Governor of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica, Jorge Flies, and the Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism, Nicolás Grau, who stressed the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors to achieve the objectives set.

The government was represented by the Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism, Nicolás Grau; the Minister of Energy, Diego Pardow; the Minister of Education, Nicolás Cataldo; and the Regional Governor of Magallanes, Jorge Flies. Also present were Jorge Daza, Undersecretary of Transportation; Danilo Núñez, Director of Planning of the Ministry of Public Works; Fidel Bennett, Head of the Employment Policies Division of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare; Marcela Guerra, General Manager of CORFO; David Medrano, Coordinator of the Port Development Unit of the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications.

Representing H2V Magallanes were María Isabel Muñoz, General Manager; Joan Leal, CEO EDF Chile; Juan José Gana, Vice President of Strategic Development HIF Global; Mario Marchese, HNH Energy Project Director; Víctor Fernández, Alternate Director of TEG Chile; Andrés Madariaga, CBO EDF Renewables Chile; and Antoine Liane, Managing Director of TotalEnergies H2, all directors and members of the regional association.



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